Disclaimer: All of the characters from Fushigi Yuugi, and Rurouni Kenshin do not belong to me. They belong to whoever created and produced them. So, whatever you do, please don't sue me! I'm a poor high school student and don't have any money! Besides, I'm just writing this for the sake of fanfiction, not money.


/what had happened in the past/

(time setting)

Ayame-chan says: Oh, I thank you all for reading this fic and asking me to continue! I feel so loved! ^_^


Chapter Two ~ Coming of Seiryuu

(Kamiya Dojo)

It had been three days after Yukishiro Enishi's arrival and announcement that his Jinchuu will be taking place in ten days. That was three days ago, now only seven more were left to prepare. Ukiyou sat on top of the roof, drawing and writing the past few days of events. She was told by her sister right before she left to deliver the letter to Kenshin to send her daily messages about any mysterious events happening. The raven next to her looked at her hopefully as she folded the paper neatly. After writing in a few more words, she attached the letter on the raven's foot and sent it off. It squawked loudly as it flew into the rising sun.

Blowing out a wisp of hair from her eyes, she quickly put her items away and quietly climbed down the roof so as not to disturb anyone. It had been a long two nights before, so she didn't want anybody to wake up. It was also because she knew that Kenshin wasn't a heavy sleeper. And since he met Enishi, he really wasn't. One or two occasions she got caught, but it was nothing really odd. She was off the roof at that time and Kenshin would just ask why she would be up so early in the morning. Ukiyou would answer some simple excuse and the day continued on without any suspicion.

Once on the ground, Ukiyou looked up at the morning sky thoughtfully. "Hmm...maybe I should make breakfast for everybody."

(an hour later)

A very delicious smell filled the room. Their mouths were drooling down to the floor. Even Sanosuke came in while passing by.

"Well, go on ahead, eat up," Ukiyou said happily as she sat down.

Kaoru and Yahiko were armed and ready with their chopsticks. "Itadakimasu!"

After a few mouthfuls, their eyes were wide with amazement. "Yoishi!!!"

Kaoru and Yahiko dug in, Kenshin taking a few big bites like a normal person and Sanosuke...well, Sanosuke's style.

"Ukiyou-dono, you cook very well," Kenshin complimented.

After scarfing down a few bowls, Sanosuke grinned. "Heh, of course it is! U-chan's cooking is the best!"

Ukiyou blushed slightly. "Maa, I wouldn't say it's the best."

"Hah! What're you talking about U-chan? You're cooking's still the----"

He was cut off by a large explosion closeby. "What was that?"

The ki that Ukiyou sensed was vaguely familiar. "Masaka..."

They all ran outside to see who their really rude intruder was. A very freakish cackling could be heard. A cackling that couldn't be mistaken.

Ukiyou's eyes widened at the painted man who walked in from the rubble. "Tomo?!?"

Tomo's cackling died down to small chuckles. His amber eyes gazed around. "Maa, istashiburi, Suzaku no Miko. You know, you're a hard person to find."

*Who the hell is this painted freak?* Sanosuke thought angrily. *And how does he know U-chan?* "The hell are you?"

Tomo stared at Sanosuke then at the others. "It seems that man was right. You are staying with Himura Battousai."

"This guy looks pretty weird," Yahiko muttered under his breath.

"He may look like a painted freak, but looks are deceiving, Yahiko," Ukiyou said. *If he does any of those illusions...* "What do you want?"

"Oh, you know exactly, Suzaku no Miko," Tomo held out a clam shell. "Nakago-sama wants to see you."

"Oh no she's not!" Sanosuke bellowed. "You're going to have to deal with me, first!"

He charged forward. The clam shell began to cast its spell. Realizing this, Ukiyou tried to stop him. "Matte, Sano!"

But it was too late. All of a sudden his limbs wouldn't cooperate. "What in the..."

"Kakakakakakakaka," Tomo cackled. "Ahou, you'll never break the spell."

A loud battle cry could be heard from above. Kenshin sliced down to only hit air. Tomo cackled some more on top of the roof. He raised a pair of deadly knife-like feathers. "Surprise, surprise."

Kenshin shouted at Tomo's targets, "Ukiyou-dono, Kaoru-dono, Yahiko! Look out!"

The knives were thrown at Ukiyou, the closest target, who was frozen in fear. But all of a sudden, the knives were gone and in the hands of a familiar, purple-haired young man with a braid.

Her grey eyes blinked twice in disbelief. "Nuriko?"