
The year, 195 AC: the final and decisive battle against Earth and the space colonies. The year 196 AC : the beginning of true peace to evolve and the year 197 AC, the word "mobile suits", including the Gundams, were never to be seen or heard from ever again. Yet beneath all those years lies a hidden war on the balance to emerge. As long as mankind continues to exist, there will always be wars...


<196 AC, New Year's Eve ~ Alberta, Canada>

An escape siren wails throughout the proximity of an underground base in the isolated depths of Canada. Many of the guards are sprawled about, unconscious. A large group of children reach to the white surface, unaware of the bitter cold and frost. They all gather into a huddle and pay attention to a young boy, probably the leader. His green eyes dart back and forth as he signs to the others where to go. They seem to understand, and split up very quickly.

A command officer comes up a second too late and looks around. "Damn those kids! Oi, Reinhardt!"

Another officer comes up from behind and salutes. "Sir!"

"What's the status of all those kids?"

"It seems that they've all split up. Many are too quick to intercept, sir. Our soldiers can't get the right moment when to fire the paralyzing darts."

The command officer growled in anger. "Kuso...How long will they reach the perimeter at their individual speeds?"

"The closest ones to the proximity are about ten minutes away, sir."

He cursed to himself again. "Contact perimeter at once! Fire the paralyzers before they leave or else it would be impossible to locate them after!"

Reinhardt saluted again. "Yes, sir!"

The commanding officer took out a cigarette and lit it. He took in a deep breath and exhaled. "Damn those kids. If we even lose one of them, headquarters will get us."

Meanwhile, the leader is following behind another boy who is carrying his younger sister on his back. He looks around eleven, with midnight hair and gray eyes. The little girl on his back is around three, and sleeping peacefully. They pause for a moment to catch their breaths.

"How much farther, Roy?" The gray-eyed boy asked. He shifted his sister a bit.

"Not much," Roy answered. They glance back at the wandering beams coming closer to them. "C'mon, Andy. We'll make it."

Their movement caught the eyes of one of the beams, and they continued to run. Gunfire sang out, and Roy fell. Andy turned around. "Roy!"

Roy lifted his head. "Don't worry about me! Just get the hell out of here!"

Andy took a step back and headed to the perimeter. Roy smiled, and still smiled even when the guards picked him up and carried him back to the prison which he hated all so much. Good luck, Andy. I'll be seeing ya soon.


Andy ran as fast as he could, using some maneuvers he just learned to dodge the upcoming paralyzers. He then shifted his sleeping sister from his back and cradled her in his arms as he easily slid under the fence of the perimeter. But passing through it didn't mean that he totally escaped.

His voice was barely audible as he ran through the thick of the forest. "C'mon, c'mon, just a little more until I reach the road."

He did reach it in just a matter of minutes, mustering all the strength he could to not collapse. A van stopped in front of him and opened. Heero was in the driver's seat.

"Get in."

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Okay, not your typical story by Ayame-chan, but hey this is what I thought of at the spur of the moment! Hope you enjoyed it!