
A single tear slid down her slender, porcelain cheek as she remembered that fateful day when her brother had sacraficed his life to save them. She had never understood his reason why he had done what he did, she probably never will. She still didn't understand why he hid the face that he was her older brother, not her uncle.

Setsuko "Kitsune" Lowe gazed across the vast forests of Vancouver, Canada, before she would leave her next assignment. Preventer work wasn't as stressful as it used to be, nor as hectic once they had found the remnants of the Red Hawks' factories across space and beyond. It had been a quiet period for the past seven years.

Her eyes caught the sight of new growth far from what a normal person's eye could see; the new growth was from the site where the base had blow up so many years before. And lying there, somewhere, was her brother Heero Yuy in the ruins. yet they never found his body. Possibly, he had escaped. Possibly, he could be out there watching over them in the shadows like how he used to do with Relena. It seemed impossible for anybody to survive, but Heero Yuy was a man who had the devil's luck.

Kitsune smiled to herself, grasping onto the necklace that Relena had given to her for her sweet sixteen.

"I know you're still out there, Hee-chan," she whispered to the winds. "And Relena-san will be waiting for you."

Taking one last look at the scenery, Kitsune turned back and walked away to her vehicle, unaware of the shadow that had been watching her in the trees.

And Prussian blue eyes smiled back at her.



AUTHORESS NOTES: Yay, the end! Ah, so it wasn't really a good ending. I know, I kinda rushed at the last few chapters but only because I had this fic on for so long, that I just wanted to end it. Maybe someday I'll rewrite the last couple of chapters and add new ones in to describe why Roy and the other AES soldiers (Yukki, Vicks, etc.) changed their minds, but that'll be a long way from now. Although this epilogue is kinda lingering, I'm not doing a sequel. Instead, I'll be working on side stories to True Victor dealing with the other G-boys and what had happened to them during the seven year lapse between the fic and the end of Endless Waltz. That won't be up until a while, though, either.

Anyhoo, I thank you all who have read this and hoped you enjoyed it! See you in the next GW fic!

