Chapter Eleven

<Alberta, Canada>

Reinhardt slammed his fist on his desk, glaring at Roy's silent figure.

"Do you know where they are now?" he growled at his officer.

If Roy was afraid of his commander, he showed no sign of it. Showing emotion, to him, was a sign of weakness.

"Ie," Roy answered stoically. "Vicks had lost sight of them as soon as Yuy fired. However, we are searching as hard as we can.

His commander nodded vehemently as he began to pace around the room. Roy's cool green eyes followed his commander's every movement. After a few minutes of pacing, Reinhardt stopped and turned to Roy.

"How's Yukki?" he asked.

"In a coma right now, but her burns are healing, sir."

Reinhardt nodded again and pondered to himself. "Were you able to get any information about them?"

Roy stared back at his commander. "Hai. The woman that had stopped Yukki is Kaede Yuy, Heero Yuy's older sister. Like him, she's also a freelance mercenary although we don't know who she's working for yet. The Preventers that were in there are under Heero Yuy's protection. The girl is Setsuko Kanazaki, but her name was changed to Setsuko Lowe soon after the war seven years ago. She's one of the Preventers' youngest recruits."

Reinhardt took a moment to absorb the information. "And the other one?"

Unconsciously, Roy clenched his right hand into a tight fist. "His name is Akito Kanazaki, but it was changed to Andrew Lowe by his own terms. He's one of the Preventers' best recruits."

"It would seem so," Reinhardt commented. "He was the one who pushed Prime Minister Dorlain away from danger when you fired, isn't he?"


Reinhardt went over to his desk and glanced at the pictures given to him a while ago. Andy's profile was on top. For some odd reason, the face looked familiar to him. Could he be one of the missing?

"General Reinhardt," Roy's voice snapped him out of thought. Reinhardt looked up. "What are your orders, sir?"

"Find them. All of them. However, make sure that you bring them back alive."

<Preventers' safehouse>

"Are you okay in there, Kitsune-chan?" Lady Une asked through the intercom.


She was seated in the middle of a white room with a device on her head. Screens blinked around everywhere and she looked around the desert before her. Lady Une and Noin were in an adjacent room, along with many other techies, studying the screens.

"All clear, Noin-san," one of the techies said.

"Okay, Kitsune-chan, we're going to start the tests now," Noin said into the microphone. She motioned to begin.


Enemies popped up all around her. Kitsune quickly looked around and reacted just as they were upon her.


Most of the techies in the room gasped, astonished with the results that they were receiving.

"That's incredible!" Lady Une exclaimed. "I've never seen anybody move that fast."

"And from what Heero told us, she hasn't been through the complete military exercise back then," Zechs added as he entered.

"It's still incredible for a girl her age to do so much," Lady Une pointed out. "I mean, to totally annihilate two hundred computerized soldiers in five minutes with only a 16 caliber pistol? (AN: I don't know much about guns, okay?) That's inhuman."

"Stop the tests," Noin told the techie at the main controls. Then she addressed in the intercom, "Okay, Kitsune-chan, it's done."

Kitsune took off the device on her head. She emerged with all smiles. "Wow, that was fun! Can we do that again?"

Fun? Noin thought. "Maybe some other time, Kitsune-chan."


As Kitsune left, Wufei entered the room. "How'd it go?"

"Perfectly," Noin answered. "It...wasn't what I expected, though."

"Andrew's probably faster than Kitsune, though," Zechs said. "You were there, Wufei, weren't you? When he pushed Relena out of the way?"

"Aa," Wufei answered. "I was surprised that he actually saw the thing. The sniper rifle, I mean."

"How is Andy, anyway?" Lady Une asked.

Wufei shrugged. "I'm not sure. From what I've heard from Heero's sister, he's still half-conscious."


He was leaving her. Again. No, she wouldn't let him get away from her.


He stopped and turned around, facing her. Relena walked to him. "Where are you going?"

His usually emotionless eyes flickered as he stared at her. "I'm going to see what the Red Hawks are up to. They'll probably find this place soon."

Relena fought back tears. Suddenly Heero's resolve started to waver.

"But why? You just finally revealed yourself and you're leaving?"

"...It's for your own safety, Relena."

When he tried to walk away, she grabbed his arm. She could feel his muscles tense up. Heero could never get used to Relena's gentle touch.

"For my own safety? What do you mean?" she pleaded.

He was remembering how she had taken care of him soon after Mariemeia's fall. How he had forced himself to focus on saving his family after getting information from Kaede of Kitsune and Andy's existence.

Heero swallowed and then replied softly, "You wouldn't understand if I told you."

"How?" Relena asked, her grip on him tightening. "How wouldn't I understand after all you've said?"

Heero responded by pulling her into a deep, passionate kiss. Relena was surprised at first, but gladly returned it. When they parted lips, Heero still held her close to him, but he could not stare into her eyes as they both tried to catch their breaths.

"Don't tempt me," he murmured before letting go and walking to the exit.

Relena just stood there, frozen and shocked at the same time. She watched him go, watched him leave the Preventers' safehouse, and watched him disappear.


AUTHOR'S NOTES: Um...don't kill me, please? *innocent smile*